Saturday, August 11, 2018

Temps drop to 25 and that is perfect

Dave was off before 5 to meet a new horse dropped off at the track for him to train. B is covering for a girl this weekend so was off after 8. I was letting Lola out before 8 and hustled her along, yes Lola stayed in again last night as soooo hot in the garage. The smoky haze remains but a blustery wind blew this morning making it seem oddly like a rainy stormy day. It only got up to 20 mid morning. S changed the oil in Sadie while I did drudgery of vacuuming dog hair :/, house cleaning and put a quick coat of purple on the ruler.

After lunch the wind settled and it heated up to 25 but still was very hazy. Prince ran to town to drop B's flat tire off to be repaired but it seems they were closed :/, he did grab a few groceries though. This weather is more conducive to physical labor then the last weeks. S dug the top soil out near the garage side of the sidewalk and I worked in the garage getting stuff sorted for upcoming projects I can start next week.

Britt was home after 5, she and S trouble shot her car clunk sound with no luck. B was pretty much a slug for the rest of the day but she did find energy after supper to get showered and head to the city at 8. It may only be 25 but it was stuffy after a brief rain from 8-9, it did not amount to much but was welcome. I showered and laid down after she left to catch up online as did S and soon we were both asleep, however I was awake at 11 and fetched us ice cream sandwiches.

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