Thursday, August 2, 2018

Sheldon's Bday

Rain came down around 4 am and when checked this am there was 2 1/2/10ths from last night and this early morning. A great birthday gift for the prince ;)

Illingworth's were off to the city after breakfast to get the immigration cards they need to avoid anymore travel issues into Canada. Sheldon loaded up his skid steer forks up for neighbor Lorne while I let the horses out in the winter pasture. We then attempted to get the hay elevator up in the rafters but decided to leave till Blair was back. The black press back chair blog post went live.

Cement fellow was back to finish the gravel pad on the north side of the house

They arrived back to the ranch after 1, not long after a fellow stopped out to purchase a growth ruler.

Blair kindly helped Sheldon get the elevator tucked up to the rafters. The rain came down but let up as Grama & Papa were the first of the guests to arrive but it was not long before Kaylin, Shaina, Lexi and the cutest Frenchie puppy arrived.

 her name is Luna

Mom, Amanda and the kids were next and eventually after work Brittany, Darren, Sharon and Craig. Burgers hot dog and a pile of great salads, veggies, guac and bean dip were enjoyed (thanks ladies for helping me) Grady and Tyler stopped just in time for birthday cake and a beverage with Dave joining us later too. Even though the weather did swirl from rain to sun to rain to wind, the prince did get to start a fire.

baby snuggles

Archer loved blowing out the candles and even was so keen he left a belly mark in the cake ;)

there were a few naps throughout the night for a few

Sadly I did not get many photos and missed capturing everyone who attended Sheldon's celebration but THANKS again to all who came and brought food, gifts and helped me out! XOXO

very fitting gift from Ma and Pa K.. and had fire starters too ;)

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