Sunday, August 19, 2018

A grade final

B does not play A grade final until 1:30, that makes for a long day. She got up and fed the horses and hosed Bird's legs then rested for a bit then we went to watch some of the other games. KD was an ump horse starting at 12 and was to do 2 games but ended up umping the rest of the afternoon including Britt's game. It was a nail biter but in the end Calgary won.

ref horse KD worked more reffing the entire afternoon then had she played ;)

thanks Garnett for holding Cooper while I ran the sidelines to snap pictures

We packed up all the horse gear and camp site then off to the awards.

Once they were done at 5:30, we grabbed the horses loaded them up and headed south arriving back home by 8.  We unloaded, gave Hawk his pill and petted the so excited Lola. I was so tired after little sleep and the long drive I had a soak in the tub, made us some soup then into bed. Britt started unloading some stuff and she too was in bed by 11 after a long weekend.

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