Tuesday, August 14, 2018

purple passion continues

First morning, not a soul home and I am awake at 7 am.. WHAT!! WHY? The dogs were happy to go out early as it was much cooler. It did allow me to catch up on some Instagram viewing. Once up I made good coffee ;) and got to work trying my new purple paint.

A nightstand was scrubbed sanded and painted 2 coats of purple. While I had the brush wet, I opened the new metal flower garden art and did it then clear coated it, pretty!

A gal popped by to pick up the green bench, finally it sold, thanks Angela!

B popped home quick after 11 and was off to town to get her car to the tire shop. She and Dave returned around 1 having left it at the repair shop next. They got the horse trailer ready for the w/e while I was out in the 29 watering my garden and pots. Whew, so much for the heat reprieve. I did pick 4 small zucchini!!

3:30 they headed back to town to pick up her car (missing sway bar was found to be the clunking noise and set for repair next Tuesday off) and grab us Vietnamese supper, yum!

Next order of business was me to hook up the trailer and B catch Bird. She is practicing with Matt tonight in Okotoks which also gives Dave a small window into the game of polocrosse. It was a hot one hovering around 30 but soon cooled as the sun started to set. Sad that the days are getting shorter. We filled with fuel on way home and arrived back just after 9:30. Bird was fed and brushed and set free while I caught Lola and added a coat of stain to the buffet top before coming in.

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