Sunday, October 16, 2016

yard clean up

Another foggy start to the day but this one burned off fast. The sun was out and up to 5 by 10. Some of the horses were in the paddock for water, perfect opportunity to get another chore off my list; trim Hawk & Daisy. They were my back aching project for next coupe of hours giving them some good fine tuning. Sheldon eventually came out and scooped some dog crap then loaded the wheelbarrows of yard waste and it into the bucket of skid steer and ran to the pit.

After a lunch break we ventured back out, the wind had picked up lots, it was 12 degrees though which helped. Potatos dug and washed were next in line of chores.. big harvest ;)


I put away the rest of my garden/yard decor battling the raging winds while Sheldon cleaned out the boat.. yes surprise to all ;) I also finished cleaning out the garden and hauling in my beets and carrots.. sadly after all the work planting watering and growing this is it ;(

Time to get this dresser drawer figured out, Sheldon and I worked for over an hour getting the new slide cut and assembled and the drawer running smoothly.. note to self, do this before painting!

Back inside, Sheldon was back to sports for the night while I got busy washing up my harvest.. this is the efforts of my season of work.. new plan for next year.. hutterites!

I also noted drying patterns in the bed frame.. this oil sure does take a long curing time

A hot bath helped the sore muscles of the days work but I seemed to twist my lower back and put it out.. yeeoww, the rest of the evening was sore.. ;(

a few pictures of Britt and her fellow roomies/classmates enjoying some free time during their conference w/e in Banff. Britt called at 11:30 tonight with lots of exciting details, sounds fun and nice backdrop!

The fog had rolled back in by 12:30 when I shut the Good Wife off.

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