Thursday, October 13, 2016


Fogged in once again and cold at -4. I met a customer at the gates around 9:30 with the cosmic coffee table. It is off to a new salon going up in Chestemere.

The internet repair man was to be there at the same time but typical called and said just leaving Drum as I was off to meet the gal. Even then he was late not arriving till In the meantime I did a quote up for a custom antique dresser job and sent a pile of pictures to help them decide colors/finish as well as more marketing of current items for sale.

He finished up by 12:30 so I opened the house gate, caught a ride to the gate to open for him and then walked back. BRRRRRRR it was brisk out, dang it! Time to warm up by oiling Kaylin's bed frame then buffing it a couple hours after finishing. The fog lifted mid afternoon and the sun did come out for a bit. Britt got home at 4 for a sleepover and visit.. ok mostly sleepover and catch up on PVR and a new series and visit her pets!!

Sheldon was home around 5 but had a bank meeting at 6 so I quickly made a yummy goulash so he could eat and run. He brought back Timmy teas for us all, thank you!

PS   The internet service did not improve.. seems they have too many ppl on our tower grrrrr

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