Sunday, October 23, 2016

family day

Always fun to awake to a houseful of family that only gets bigger as the day goes on. Coffee, bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast, great start for many. Sheldon took a run to the farm to check the bison catch pen and visit with friends along the way while the rest of us visited. Dale joined us first then after church the Paetz's arrived followed by the rest of Dale's clan and Travis.

More food and visiting and games at the kitchen table amused the group.

All loaded up around 4:30 to venture home loaded up with ham, turkey and buns to. Thanks Mom ;) The boys help load a small wall unit in our truck for the ride home. Thanks boys. We ran thru Tim's before hitting the ranch, unloaded the unit (with a small opps) then Shaina was off to the city for school in the morning. Britt has tomorrow off so staying the night. She got busy studying and we caught up on a few PVR shows after Sheldon ran to car for Oscar (tradesy for Matt feeding ours last night and this am). What a busy but fun weekend!

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