Friday, March 18, 2016

Table stain & paint

Today was a great day for table progress, I got busy early sanding up even more on the table top and bottom then got it all wiped down. Time to get the color added. I started painting the base vintage white and while it dried the table top got laid out with pegs to test connecting.

 the nearly 100 year old wood got a good coat of wood conditioner followed by my got to java gel stain. I do like it but maybe needs to be darker? guess we will see when dry

Back to the base, I sanded it for age then wax with dark wax before dry brushing more vintage white for depth and variation
Taking a break while all was drying I unpacked my treasures from yesterday's shopping spree. Think I spent all my birthday cash and more but just the pile of turquoise makes my heart happy!
 and yes.. the yak needs a haircut ;)
After painting the table rim, it too got dark wax and dry brushed ad left to dry..
 here is a leaf with our wood colors??
 Shaina and Brad arrived around 3 when she finished up her first shift at the now open golf course. We caught horses and went for a ride. Although it was only plus 6, the lack of wind and tons of sunshine made it feel much warmer. Poor Brad who is allergic to horses, started to hive up not long after we headed out so we all came back so he could shower. I ponied Pepper along with me and Shaina had Baby along 2 so all 4 got a good work out by the time we were finished.

Once untacked, rolled in the sand and let out she and I headed in where Britt was unpacking home from school. Shaina and Brad were off to his dad's for a barbecue before 6.
 Brad's smart car and big truck kill me, Shaina has been driving it for a week on $3 gas so far!
Britt and I had leftovers, I watched Downton Abbey and at 10 she headed to the Station to visit friends getting home early at 1:30 am ;)

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