Wednesday, March 30, 2016

lunch date

What a difference a day makes, today is overcast gloomy and overall miserable. I was awake early as usual so made some coffee and got busy. I had some salt and peppers sold and paid for and boxed up ready with prepaid mailing label by 9 am ;)
I headed out and waxed the 2 nightstands before loading up and off to town.
waxing proved the stain did not adhere well to the pine esp repair and fill areas ;( it did seem more like a wash or barn board on just one square.. boooo so they got painted over and left to dry
 After dropping the tax info off with the accountant I met Coreena for lunch. What a great 3 hour visit, the 2 girls have been let go from Encana so there was allot to catch up on. Thanks for the great visit Coreena, always enjoy it.

I then ran to Walmart to stock up on dog food and a few other goodies. Dropping off the package ordered this am and picking up Asher's birthday and Christmas parcel (yep I am organized on a few fronts ) followed before grabbing a tea and donut for the ride home. The day is another plus 15 but being cool windy and overcast it seems bone chilling ;(

Back at the ranch, I unloaded and got busy glazing the nightstands after waxing the drawer fronts again. OH MY how I always remember once I get going how I dislike glazing ;) but eventually after repainting and waxing or washing off a few portions I got it done and left it to dry!

We did get 10 sprinkles of rain at supper time ;( , pretty please, let it pour in buckets!

I perused Instagram and checked out a few blogs. So many ideas and inspiration. I had a good chat with a possible new paint powder I may be giving a go too called Poppies paint powder. At 9 it did start to rain!!! not a ton but it dripped in the tanks for an hour and was well needed and appreciated~~

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