Friday, December 18, 2015

new coldest night

So last night hit -15, D wanted out at 3 am and Lola came back in with him ;) It was a fairly unproductive day but I did bundle up (wind made it feel like -21 they say) and head outside. The horses got a bale and their poor snow balled feet picked out but looks like Britt and I need to do feet the next 2 weeks she is home.

B had ran to town to have Amanda trim her hair, buy her fun gift exchange present and trimmings for her ugly sweater. Once back she got busy making it.

She was pretty excited after I asked her to pick up the mail and saw her article in the Alberta Bits magazine for her scholarship.

Sheldon was to fly home on the 8:20 pm flight but could not make it so has to take the 10:25 ;( Poor fellow after 11 days of working and a late flight home he will be tuckered. I think we might be leaving a bit later then planned tomorrow for the journey east.

It did warm up to -10 at one point but the chinook warm air has yet to blow in and it is -12@ 8 pm. Britt had ran back to town for a spray tan then curled up with her book. Sheldon text at 9 saying his flight was delayed even longer, this time it is supposed to leave at 11:30 ;/

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