Wednesday, December 30, 2015

B gets a work shift

Busy B was up and ready to take on a shift at the gym today. 9:30-6! Sheldon has acupuncture at 10 so was up too and helped her with a low tire issue, hope it is not a nail. I fine tuned details on a table sale. The lady wants it for a desk so will need shelf removed and touch up paint but I think I used all that color. Sheldon will pick up from in town on display at the boutique and I will see.

Back home with hot tea, mail and my table, Sheldon rolled out another bale for the ponies in the sunny -4. I found a skiff of the green paint in a mixing jar so touch ups were good, it seems I had painted the rails anyway ;)

B joined us for supper after her long work day but pretty happy to have cash in her pocket for it. Her friend Josh stopped out to watch a  movie with her while I watched a few more Scandal and Sheldon slept.
forgot to share my professionally wrapped gift from S I got last night.. economy wrapped ;)

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