Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Today is Christmas Day, Merry Christmas everyone! I was up and enjoyed a hot coffee in a brisk 18 degree house. It was a cold -19 night! It seems the furnace is doing the same issue.. not working so last night when it was chilly away from the fire, it had gone on the fritz! Trouble shooting proved fruitless. Time to stoke a new fire which burned all day long. Our beautiful fireplace is meant for aesthetics not house heat, darn it!
Britt was first to join me and open her stocking, She went out to visit her animals, kindly fed Julio and the cats and refilled the salt/minerals, THANKS B! Yesterday I noticed Lola shaking her head so today Dr B had a look and confirmed ear infection so we doctored her up.

puppies thank Grama & Papa for the treats, 2 big ones are in a hurry to hide theirs so blurry cell phone shot, sorry

Kaylin  came up later and Shaina had to be rousted around noon. We had a facetime visit with the sleepy Sheldon who is getting thru his night shifts but up early today to send wishes (and chat about the furnace) We did have a bit of turkey, in the soup I made ;)

Makeup and hair was the fun after each getting our great gift boxes from the beauty queen. Everyone looked lovely for a day of relaxing and games. For supper I cooked STEAK in the broiler (to help heat the house) ;) with scrumptious mashed potatoes. Not traditional but yummy none the less.
 buddies soaking up the sun

Games moved to in front of the fire. Kaylin ended up not getting to Aaron's family after he slid thru a fence on way to get her. The clouds blocked the full moon and fog had set in. Matt the great neighbor, brought over Oscar's space heater to help us out, THANKS Matty! The house temp did hit a record 19 but outside hit a record low -20! The girls left for the city around 9:30 for Kaylin's early work shift but luckily found the roads clear to the city.

 such pretty girls XOXO

It seems a battery blew up in my flash, once cleaned it worked again but pictures now are either too bright (above horseopoly shot) or grainy without it (below) like cell above.. need to fine tune it
I cleaned up kitchen, scrubbed up pots then curled up in bed and watched The Longest Ride, finishing up around 1:15 when I got a text with some more good news, come June I will be an auntie again!! WAHOO!!

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