Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day miracle

Diego wanted out at 7:15, it was still dark but warmed up to -16, hahaha. Lola stayed out and after I crawled back into my warm bed I thought of little Miss Kaylin who has been at work for over an hour already! I managed to get back to sleep and get up after 9:30. Time for hot coffee as house is still at 18 even with little space heater running all night long and outside is back down to -20!! I trudged out to fill 2 buckets of wood and got the fire blazing.

At 10:30 the furnace guys arrived and in less then an hour they had the furnace back up and running, cause faulty thermostat! Thanks goodness ! Britt and I went out to pick feet, her wash Bird's cut which turned out to be small and feed Julio. We tried putting a blanket on him but as usual the other horses pester so took off.

The furnace finally shut off after almost 4 straight hours getting it to 22! But it did not stay off long and was back at work. Time to get vacuuming, Lexi is a sweetie but sheds hair like a snow storm. So now Britt is bored, after suggesting she clean her room she asked to paint her night stand. This led to her starting the relove procedure scrubbing it all down and I scrubbed up the kids table set and coffee table! Looks like she might be my back to work motivation ;)
 Britt's nightstand before
As they dried, she got busy cleaning her room good and I continued blog update and watched a few more Homeland in front of the fire ;) Once dry, we headed back out to start sanding process. B did her nightstand top while I started on tables.
Once done, I crawled  into bed where I finished season 3 of Homeland and started a new series, Scandal and ended up watching 5 episodes. Britt headed to town to take in ugly Xmas sweater at the station around 9:30 and again not getting home till 2;45.. trooper.

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