Thursday, October 1, 2015

who needs a miter box

Awake before 7:30, oh my ;( I contemplated running to town to do my blood work but remembered I may have had some crackers in the night when I got some water for my headache. Time then to make coffee ;)

Progress on the dresser, I decided the miter box was something I could do so with a little finagling I did it. I even got great free cut angles, it did end up to thick but I solved that problem too with my power sander, HA. All pieces got glued and clamped and left to dry well. Once good later in the afternoon I sanded some more then put the  first coat of purple going on.
 take piece of wood and hand saw
 and make a few nicks with a pencil and saw
 oh shoot.. maybe not right height but I mastered it in the end
flush filled and looking good
 another repair handled in the same hand saw guesstimate method.. success

everything glued and clamped
I did get outside in the sunshine, 22 degree day and picked more seeds, hosed Birdy and put her and Switch around the round pen to mow with Hawk and Daisy in it. Julio got his senior feed then he joined the outside crew for a bit then hoofed it off into the hay field. He beats to his own drum for sure.

 this vagabond and the wanderer

 and these two not impressed, they got exercise though going along the fence line ;)
After a couple hours it was time to put them all back and Pepper and KD took over round pen mowing. I took them back to the pasture as the  pink sunset clouds rolled in around 7:30. So sad it is getting darker faster but time changes this w/e. Once all had drank and had some salt I waited until they went to big pasture and closed them out of the paddock. They have it ate to nothing and are now pawing the roots! Checked the water and headed back inside.

Today I also started my dreaded task of ordering pictures. Yes with my new self employment I also have not had time to do this and my task starts all the way back to November 2012! My goodness has everyone changed.

The girls also headed off tonight on an airplane south, thankfully Auntie Debby will pick them up at the airport tonight and give them safe harbor for a day or so ;)

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