Saturday, October 24, 2015

shop tidy

Shaina was off for work at 9, coffee and lazy start for us two. By 11 though we were headed out in the sunshine plus 12 day. First order was pulling the pumps from the 2 tanks and putting away for the winter. I watered my remaining flowers in the beds and planters too and scooped some dog crap in keeping with fall cleanup. I even had 4 full pea pods to harvest in my garden and they are still blooming! I got the last of my zucchini the other day before I pulled the plants but really, end of October!!
We then made a huge dent in the shop moving, tossing and tidying. I posted the 20 bottom bales for free and they were called in no time and picked up just after we had a late lunch.


 pallets & bales gone ready for clay and sand

 better day shot of my handiwork
 views from the mez
I worked on tidying up the mez and deconstructed one of the big cabinets while Sheldon drilled thru the walls above the doors for the light fixtures and ran wire ready to install. I even used the table saw and cut all the boards neatly from the cabinet for suture use! Once we both done, time to load the trash we had accumulated in the truck and off to town Sheldon went to the dump with it and to grab a couple supplies. He brought back tea too, THANKS!

I stayed home and got back to work on the old frame doing my "sally" treatment on it and scraping, scrubbing sanding another frame that has been ordered for a wedding. For Bird, I made up a new essential oil mix in coconut oil this time and applied while she stood patiently in the field.
Sheldon has been trying to peg off the pesky magpies with not much luck but tonight he tried "gun thru the crack of the door" routine, 3 shots = 3 magpies down.. but it was not long and 2 were back up so he had to go outside to finish his project.
originally all 3 were right below the one post.. each one went to the same spot, dummies!
He had ordered his favorite creamed chicken for supper which was delicious ;) Time for a hot tub for our sore muscles and relax time. We have put in some pretty good days checking lots off our lists! I did have to get on and send pictures in for polocrosse calendar so updated blog for last 3 days too ;)

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