Tuesday, October 20, 2015

cleaning day

Another amazing sunny low wind day on the prairies. I spent the morning doing some marketing now that I have a  ton of painted products and need to find them homes as well as some long put off cleaning. Britt gave me the famous "thieves" cleaning solution for mothers day and today I whipped up a jug. I would like to say it was because I had others to use but reality is I would rather paint then deep clean but I sure love a clean house ;) I also have procrastinated cleaning my slow drain. Zip-it and thieves spray in hand I got busy in the en-suite and left it all sparkling and drains running freely! Thanks B, I like the smell and cleaning of the spray. Bedding got all washed and the mattress rotated and some dusting too :)
and yes gross crap comes out, this is first plunge, next ones were even grosser, long hair can really add up, Sheldon's sink was fairly easy running the zip-it tool thru ;)
After lunch I worked on another blog post for my Cece Brand rep which I forgot. Hoping it too will draw more people to my page. I also posted a share fair on my Creative Moments page to help encourage support of local home businesses.

Let it be noted Pepper was not in the yard this am, maybe I foiled him ;)

Sheldon made it home after finally being back to 7/7 at 5 pm. He promptly laid on the couch and went to sleep for an hour. We had a yummy supper after he woke up, a hot bath and Flames game rounded out the night of relaxation.
Britt sent a picture of her new Bogs, she LOVES them, here they are fresh after first wear took her thru a cattle chute!

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