Monday, October 19, 2015

how to condition 7 horses at once ;)

Diego barked his "outside" bell at 8, seems Pepper has another point of entry I need to find as he was happily munching my lawn as I made my way to let the boss out. I started my day with 4 different varieties of bulletproof coffee choosing coconut oil and stevia as my favorite. I should be able to get lots dont today with this experiment! I took Britt one delivered to her in bed at 10 as she lazed her day off away.

I already had both jumbo frames dark waxed and Amanda's sign given another coat of varathane.

frames before... and after

Britt was off to town for her long awaited chiropractor appointment running errands after including parcel pickup for the Prince, dropping box of donations at church sale then back home couple hours later. She and I caught the horses and had them saddled as Shaina arrived after work around 2:30. We took the now chubby ponies on a workout ride and for part of it conditioning 4 others as well. Gorgeous 20 degree day late October.. love it!
 master Houdini himself
 and off we go..
 my trusty steed trying to trot smoothly so not to shake the camera, good boy!

we ditched the 4 others and Lola who joined us for the first portion and headed out for a trail ride.. just a  bit of wind in my hair ;)
We had to cut it after an hour as Britt and I had a date for Bird with chiro Murray at 4. He worked his magic on her which was so awesome! She comes come to almost 90% healed up. Thanks to Shaina for dropping off the finished frames at Amanda's for the customer to grab there.

Back home, horses unloaded, Britt got packed up and headed to Olds around 6:30. I had a tub and followed the election results. Surprisingly it was another major change with Liberal taking majority government. Let's hope more good comes out of this change then bad.

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