Saturday, October 17, 2015

jumbo frames order on rush status

Why does one wake up before 8 on a Saturday? Oh well it allows more time to do projects I guess.
The morning was filled with sign planning for Amanda and scrubbing/sanding up a chair before flogging Britt up. She went and caught Bird, hosed her, I trimmed her feet then she fed treated her and swept up. Procrastination put aside I black glazed the geometric end table. It was not 1:30 and time to join Britt for a bowl of yummy soup!
Time now to start Amanda's sign. I had cut the board in half (yeah power tools) before trimming Bird so sand and stain and leave to dry. She has chosen a fun font "LOVE" for her Crafty Crochet.

Britt was off to another hockey game at 4, this time it is in Olds!! LOL she, Brooke and Amber are traveling up to watch the fellows and spend the night as Britt's first sleepover guests in her college pad.

I got an order for 2 jumbo frames at 4 needed for Thursday so out I went in the 19 sunshine and got busy sanding and scrubbing.
I painted the chair black while they dried then spent and hour digging out the old chalking before another hosing. Hopefully hantavirus and lead paint are not my future ailments ;) I even got the first coat of hand rubbed poly on the chair too.
Finishing up at 7:30 I came in to cook up some vermicelli for supper, have a hot soak then catch up on 3 episodes of Nashville on the PVR.

Forgot to share this sunset from last night.. spectacular!

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