Wednesday, August 5, 2015

totals roll in and tornado warnings

It seems my white fluffy alarm clock needed to ring at 7:30 am, soon after another rain storm unleashed. It was short but added to last nights. I headed out to check the total once it was over and we got about 1.75 cm, not bad now that the bales were all rolled and the grass was once again dying. The baler sent in the invoice for 89 bales ( 4.5 being hay lol)

Damage assessment concluded my big tomato plant got toppled but seems ok once I got it all back up, the "poop/weed" wheelbarrow had taken a tumble tossing all my previous work willy nilly so that was next job. The 3rd was retrieving my shattered composter that had blown out in the field along the fence line as well as a roll of wire. This out of place thing was causing all Lola's distress this am.

composter in field and now piled with most pieces picked up, the roll of wire is farther out in left picture

As I cleaned up the remaining compost which no longer had a container I decided to move the rhubarb plant that horses continue to eat the toxic leaves. Funny how everything runs into the next creating more chores. But at least this was minimal compared to the storm that hit the city and others with hail closer to us. I posted the fresh picked rhubarb on free site and it was picked up soon after.
Britt was up now and ran and opened the pasture gate which blew closed locking all 8 in the one paddock. She was then off to the city to shop with Shaina before getting back home late after noon to work at 4.

My dresser projects were next order of business and all the wood got 2 more poly coats, the cream base got hand waxed and the shorter dresser got painted pink. The cream ruler was aged with dark and clear wax and once both were dry I staged a few pics to post on my creative moments page that has been dark for over a week. The cream ruler was spoken for soon after posting.

As I worked in the garage, around 4, I got a message that TV had an alert for a tornado warning. The black clouds coming from the sity rolled along the north of us thru town and to the east while some were going south but nothing came thru knock on wood. Britt said it poured in town as she worked.

Around supper the storm clouds threatened again, I took the dogs for a walk as they were needing one but we hustled back as the clouds got nearer. Eventually it spit for a short time and was just crappy weather but I did manage to move Julio over to the other side with his food giving him his own shelter in the crappy weather.

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