Wednesday, August 26, 2015

long night

The coyotes were awful last night pestering for the longest time, At 2 am they were taunting terribly and when I tried to call Lola in just in case they got branchy, she came to the recall quick then whipped around and back out to pressure them with her barking. At 3 am I finally got them both to come in, even Big D was worked up over the ruckus they were causing.

I was then awake at 8 thinking I might over sleep my time to leave for the city. Britt was up before 9 as she has to work at 9:30 again. I was off to the city after getting dogs fed up and stuff loaded and waking Shaina for her 11 am shift, then I was on the road at 10:30. Thinking it was another warm smoky day I dressed in shorts and a blouse but at last minute grabbed a cardigan, good thing, most of the day was cool and about 19 but it did get up to 22 late on the way home.

Naturopath, dermatologist, quick return to Saje at Southcenter (which was being renovated and chaotic) then stopping at my 2 favorite stores Winners and Home Sense but today was fire drill day so alarms constantly beeping really cut short the looking so no treasures for me. While a compound was made I I ran to Costco and Ikea but it was ridiculous the amount of people out on what must be last week before school starts shopping agendas.. UGH! The roads are all being ripped up and traffic issues.. I was happy to be heading home by 4:30.
 love this canvas
 forgot to mention the car rolled over 1000 kms ;)
I arrived just in time to say hi/bye to Britt who was off to a movie with her buddy Jayden. I guess it really is count down to back to school for so many. After unpacking, putting another coat of white glaze on the table I took the dogs for a walk. By now the sun in setting and getting dusky by 8:30, how sad but the cacophony of coyotes howling even then may be an indicator of tonight's lack of sleep. Perhaps Mutt & Jeff will just come in at bedtime ;)
 not a bad variety of beer and beverages in such a clean fridge heh?
 they always make me laugh when they come along on the walks

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