Saturday, August 22, 2015

too early for a Saturday

Hmmmm well there is a perimeter check pattern for Lola, 6:30 am, today it was followed up with a telemarketing phone call a few seconds later, WTH. 7:30 customers sent messages holy cow people it is Saturday morning! (but is sunny) I managed to get back to sleep till 9:30 grabbing a coffee and checking the gauge, yep 5.5 cm (over 2") of rain yesterday. I think everything got a good watering ;)

Today is supposed to be a jackpot at Ranahan but cant imagine the field will not get chewed up. Britt is not getting up so will just get on with my projects. I had painted an ornate frame awhile back and waxed it last night. Today I buffed it and added chicken wire for a new sun glasses holder

 stapler problems.. take apart, no problem, need an extra hand? use a clamp ;) success
Britt did scramble up around noon and they did move an hour back but think the field will still be slick so we did not go. She showered and was off to the city to try and score an iPhone 6 deal like Kaylin did this am. Lola alerted me to a coyote brazenly standing in the oats, eventually he moved off with her barking but none to fast.
she is getting braver trying to assimilate in her herd, till bossy pants comes to check her out! ;)
Rollering another coat of black on the dining set was next in line of progress along with a couple coats of top cot on the towel rack and serving tray.
 staged a few plant stand pics

I got to use power tools again and even someone OCD like me may skip measure twice after successfully doing first 2 drills and put 3rd on 1/2" off !! WTH!! out comes the filler, paint and poly again.

 tray painted, then glazed
Britt was home after her long wait in line but successful phone upgrade. She also cooked us supper of her famous fried perogies and garden fresh zucchini, good job B!! She walked 2 of the dogs after supper (by force) but it was a lovely sunny evening only plus 18 though so needed a jacket.
The towel rack got assembled to the point of needing a handyman to check the space to hang and find me a proper countersink bit for the jumbo screws.
love my beach colors and sparkly glass
 gorgeous cooler evening
Grady stopped over for a visit as I was sorting more shelf items in the garage making more purge piles ;) Shaina arrived after closing at golf course tonight around 1 and jumped in with me. I put Lola inside around 2 as the coyotes were taunting her most of tonight poor girl.

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