Tuesday, August 11, 2015

heat wave continues

Tuesday started of overcast and cooler but soon the sun was out and it was heating up. Today would normally be Sheldon's home day but the plant production has changed that so seems odd. A gal dropped by to do a swap, my wall clock for her glass door knob, thanks Edie.

Soon after as I was vacuuming up Lexi hair I saw my earring back, quick feel and sure enough the other ear lost its diamond stud!! WTH we spent part of the rodeo searching for Britt's lost earring and a ton of time in the city and online looking for a replacement back but to have me lose mine same week is crazy. So I emptied vacuum canister and vacuumed stopping to check and empty more times with no luck finding my diamond, dang it!

Shaina was out just after lunch bringing treasures to store and ride. She ponied Baby along with Brit and I. Man she is a hot one hitting 29 now, did I say I am really glad we have that A/C??  The girls were then off to town for eye checks both having perfect vision ;) Britt returned to hit the cool basement as was not feeling well today and Shaina headed back home in the city.

A gal stopped out to pick up 3 tall windows I was giving away and it turns out her mom is a Rafa from Acadia Valley, always a small world isnt it? She is going to use for her wedding next summer, yeah!
Time to repost all on kijiji while sorting the tournament info and EMT's. Today was a good day for interest of pieces so hope all comes together in actual sales. One gal has quite a few pieces picked out after she scored the free huge light fixture I had posted. You just never know when free can actually increase sales ;)

After supper I went out to walk the dogs which got sidetracked to filling horse trough which got sidetracked to Julio following us for food which got sidetracked to me trimming his feet while he ate which finally ended with the dogs getting walked ;) then a good soak with netflix and a frosty drink!

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