Tuesday, May 26, 2015

sluggish day

Tuesday found Sheldon off earlier to stop at the bank with his truck check and then off to the airport to catch his flight north. Britt and I were both feeling like slugs on this overcast dreary morning so she was allowed to miss first class which was art. The w/e took its toll on us all I think as the rest of the day I felt like a snail with lead shoes ;)
While feeding dogs breakfast I found a Tupperware glass from the w/e, actually Lola may have found it first!

I worked on my Creative Moments blog for an entry to a furniture flip contest. Not sure if it is worth all the hoops and time but thought I would try it once. This poor blog got left behind too once the Facebook page took off. You do need a blog to enter so will use it instead of this personal one.

A gal stopped out for more of the free items I had posted and had a short visit. She was in love with Diego but he was really not to interested after initially checking her out ;) More putzing before the current dresser owner drove out with some rub and buff for her handles.

Time to get back to my projects, did a bit more work on moms rocking horse with wood filler, snapped a few stock to paint photos and posted and staged a few more pics for the shoe shine kit for my big flip entry.

Britt got home from school and was soon fast asleep. I made up tuna lasagna for supper after planning to for months. She awoke to do dish detail eat and head out to baseball. The day still seem like rain could happen even though it was 22 and never did, the grey gloomy weather did not help with the lack of energy!

However at 8 I forced myself to go out and walk the dogs, and feed ALL the horses hay. About 4 drops of rain fell as we walked ;( Lola got a nice brushing, still loosing tons of downy soft hair getting ready for the heat. I watered a few planters that seemed dried up and a couple trees. While doing so I decided to haul a pile of wood and crap Vance hauled out a couple years behind the top soil piles as a fort. It seemed the rusty metal piece caught me and caused a wee bit of blood, hope no tetanus shot required ;/ (Amanda don't look at next pictures, warning blood)

 the crop is coming up! or is that weeds? ;)

what does the mass of little pine cones indicate?
Back inside I changed up the blog layout and style which is always a fun change. Britt got home around 10 as the sun finally was setting. Got to love these long summer days ;)

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