Friday, May 15, 2015

another flex Friday

Today is another flex Friday. It was fantastic to wake up to drizzle. Although not rain it seems to be dampening all the plants. I have sent out a request for full on rain, lets see what the big guy says. I had a customer to arrive at 10 to pick up her growth ruler so got the house smelling all pretty via a yummy smelling candle Shaina gave me for Xmas. Britt was up fairly early on her day off but grabbed a coffee, threw a load in the washer and hit the TV room.

I staged a few new pictures of the coffee tables and posted online, need to make room people!

Of course if it is rainy why not make warm in your tummy soup. I adapted our usual hamburger soup to be spaghetti soup and it turned out quite yummy. Britt was off to work 3-7 as I continued to clean sort and post things for free & sale. 
I also ventured outside as now the mist was long gone and everything dry so watered my garden, washed up a pot to bring in and searched for a barn board for my bathroom project that has been on the list for 3 years too ;) The sun popped out as Britt got home from work. Nice to see but would rather have had a full on rain.
Thanks to Costco I had a healthy supper, yeah. It has been a good day in the meal department here at the ranch for being just us girls although Miss Vickies is missed ;) 
one must be flexible to survive this lack of moisture in the pastures ;)  Britt was off to a party while I finished up the blog and hit the tub while finishing the last 2 episodes of the final season of Revenge.

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