Saturday, May 2, 2015

ditch cleaning day

Well well, another long night with very little sleep. I thought Lola may have got the message but it seems not, last night was every half hour just enough to wake me as I fell asleep but when I blew a gasket at 4 and finally now she was quiet, I could NOT get back to sleep. The last time I saw a clock was 5:40 then woke at 7:30 out of habit, back to sleep till 9 so maybe 3 hours max?? Makes one irritable for sure. To top it off it is an overcast WINDY day!

on the good side the royal princess was born this morning ;)

Shaina was worried she might be getting sick as Kaylin was very ill and sure enough she only worked 2 hours last night and went home sick. She has to work tonight so wanted to get sleep so bailed on ditch cleaning promising to clean our tree area this week.. it it written now Shaina so proof ;) I finally got moving, grabbed snacks, warm coats/hats, made tea, fed the dogs and was off to pick up Britt from her sleepover. The dad was fairly chatty but eventually we got on the road to our designated ditch. In an hour we were done and on our way to Costco.
A quick trip thru the drive thru to get a new favorite peppered bacon burger at A&W and onto Costco. We chose 5 new trees then loaded up on some supplies and headed home dropping Britt at her car. By now it was after 3, I worked on my display board , cutting out biz cards and price tags all while watching the Kentucky Derby. Then it was on to waxing the stained rulers and coffee sign after it was sanded to look old.
safely stored for now
 sign before
and after.. paint new to make look old ;)
 waxing process and the 2 buttermilk boards
Britt's girlfriends arrived to take her to the city for a belated birthday supper. The night ended up being sunny and calmer as they left so I ventured out to take the dogs for a walk, hoping to tire one out so she sleeps tonight and I can get some well needed deep sleep. We checked all horses and watered the small evergreen trees I planted and decided where to plant my new trees before coming inside. Time to top coat and age the white ruler. I love when pieces are in final stages and you see the results of your work!
look at these 2 unplanned twins!

It is now 9, a hot bath is in order then should go to bed now while she is lazing hahaha. Big day tomorrow with the tea & trade show ;) Britt and friends popped home just before 10 to grab suits and off to hot tub at Grady's back home before midnight. What good girls and friends to birthday B!

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