Tuesday, May 12, 2015

house care

Sheldon was off early to head north again today. He claims it was -8 at 24/#1 corner but our weather station said low was plus 3. Plants were fine here so think it had to be a pocket. Britt slept late and had a quick start to her morning. Today was make the cobbler kids their shoes day. I spent it cleaning and organizing. New sheets were put on our beds.. ooo such a pretty color!
Makeup goodies were sorted out from mothers day, Christmas (yes still in pretty bags waiting to be put away) and our pick a product day. My cupboards are bursting with new potions and lotions to try, Thanks Kaylin!

Clothes were sorted and a couple more purged. I also worked on coats of poly on the last 2 rulers thru the day. Britt was home early having spare last class. Tonight is ball so after our sparse supper of sauteed zucchini she was off to ball while I walked the dogs and cats in yet another calm sunny 15 night. The poor ponies in their billiard short pasture were given a flake of hay each, even the chubbies in the far pen.
the neighbors poop piles got a coating of chopped bales = no smell.. how nice!!

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