Wednesday, January 28, 2015

vet visit

Another successful sleep outside for Miss Lola. I painted another coat of white on the dresser drawers then ran to the city for an appointment and Costco run. Britt was just getting up at 11 as I left. She did manage to walk the dogs and throw a bale for the horses while spending another day relaxing. She left for work just after I got home and was unloading groceries.

I finished up the base sides on the dresser but had to touch up more on the front with primer and allow to dry. Sheldon arrived home around 7 to eat a bit before we started another new series recommended by Coreena called Marco Polo. He did not make it to the end but it does look like one we will enjoy. I watched another Call the Midwife as he slumbered and Britt arrived home from work.

Wednesday we awoke to cool looking grey skies, with Lola was curled up on the front step, that soon unleashed a wee snow squall. It did not last a long time but Sheldon took advantage of being a bit cooler to run a bale out to the horses before we loaded the dogs and were off to town for Lola's last set of puppy shots. Britt even managed to get up to come along. By now the sun was out and things were melting. We took Diego as a truck box companion mate and luckily the new truck had the sliding window for Britt to keep a grip on Lola's collar a few times. Diego enjoyed the fact he could basically be part of the gang in the truck.

Following the vet visit we ran a few errands to get senior feed for Julio, some new saw horse brackets for my paint projects, dog food and new collars, light bulbs for the range hood that our appliance place wanted $16/bulb for, Sheldon found for $3!! and of course a tea to top it off. A quick stop at the dump and mail box rounded off the dogs truck box tour.

A quick late lunch then Britt caught Bird and KD and she and I rode, outside and in the arena. Sheldon worked on some paperwork but ended up in the shop starting to lay the mezz flooring. Julio got to come for his first senior feed feast as the other two got their treats and Britt went to shower for work at 4 again. After I let them all back out I sanded the dresser base and vacuumed before putting first top coat on the stain now finally dried a couple days. A beer break with Sheldon and both of us finished our projects for the day.

I had just hopped out of the shower when Craig stopped for our financial update. This took almost 3 hours but there was lots of sidetracking to vacation stories and photo chuckles, this one of recent that makes us all laugh, this child is a nut!
Britt is going to a party and sleeping over at Brooke's after her work shift is done at 9. I quickly whipped up spaghetti and meat sauce for use before Sheldon showered up and we watched another Marco Polo to top off our busy day. Tonight it seemed to be cooler so Lola stayed in for the night.

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