Friday, January 30, 2015

grad dress success

Up early to head south, today is Britt's big day to find a grad dress. Sheldon decided at last minute not to go opting to stay home and work on mez floor as forecast calls for cold temps next 5 days. Shaina, Britt and I were loaded with our snacks and coffee and were out the gate about 8:45 am.

DJ Shaina entertained us with her song selections down. We stopped for gas (75.9 now) and a tea in Lethbridge before off to the border. Once thru it was about 45 minutes to Conrad to The N Thing dress store for 1 pm. This is where both Kaylin and Shaina found their dresses for their grads.
Britt tried on about 20 dresses and narrowed it to 3.. a quick bite to eat at the local "hole in the wall diner" and back to pick the dress of her dreams. It just so happened to be the first one she tried on too. We were off for home after scoring some cheap beer and the dress by 4. The border crossing guard kindly let me thru with my over spending in 4 hours, thanks buddy and soon we were Strathmore bound making another stop in Lethbridge for gas and a tea to get us home. Two movies passed the time quick on the way home and we passed back thru the ranch gates almost 11 hours to the minute later.
 when stuck, get your sister to try one on for you to see
 top 3 choices she had
Britt was excited to try on her dress as did Shaina who even put on Kaylin's for nostalgia sakes. A celebration cheap beer was enjoyed (I scored 60 beer for $42!!) before hot bath and Marco Polo. The girls watched movies downstairs after a successful dress shopping day!

note Shaina did not think I had her smiley face in the pic below :-)

Sheldon worked on the mez floor for the day and this is his progress.. which he is very proud of I am to add :-)

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