Thursday, January 29, 2015

fogged in day

Foggy morning, it was much colder through the night, I let Lola out just after 4:30 am and it was -3. She was excited to come in when Sheldon popped out to feed them in the morning. He hooked up the dump trailer and was off to the city in the thick fog later in the morning as I stayed home and worked on the dresser. Before heading out I threw chicken breasts in the slow cooker for a yummy supper Deb makes I hope to recreate.

2 more coats of top coat on the stain and HOURS of body work sanding painting, sanding and painting again, GRRRRR I now remember why I dislike white chalk paint. It takes 3 coats and then they can lift if not exact moisture content and to much fiddling and with OCD perfectionism it is NOT a good color. I wanted a crisp clean white body but see this will most likely not be the case as with such a bright color EVERY leach mark shows thru too UGH.
I was working on it when Britt left for town before 2 to work at 3 and still working on it when Sheldon got home at 4:30! I did manage to top coat the 4 chairs I spray painted in between and do a bit of health insurance work in between drying times but the majority of my time was this darn dresser. Currently I have changed my mind about keeping! The sun peeked thru a wee bit around 4 but soon was swallowed up by the fog.

Sheldon kicked back on the couch to catch up on his phone but called me in out of my frustration to join him for a drink. He then went out to lay a few sheets on the mez floor while I started to put together my enchiladas. This turned into another epic fail ;( Not wanting to call it a complete fail I adapted and made a enchilada casserole , time will tell how it tastes.

As it turns out, the casserole tasted yummy, needed more sauce but definitely worth making again, Thanks Deb! A gal stopped while we were eating late to pick up a dresser I was purging then after we finished we watched another Marco Polo. Britt was home from work, ate some casserole before heading back to town to pickup Shaina who is staying for a few nights.

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