Friday, January 9, 2015

deep freeze is back

Today the deep freeze returned. Well actually in the night and I should know as Lola was up at midnight and 2 am when it was -22 and Diego decided he wanted to bark outside at 4 am.. WTH! Needless to say coffee was in order upon getting Britt off to school, late of course yet again!
the little footstool I just removed the tassel fringe last night and it is good to go

I worked on a new project, a coppercraft mirror as my project for the day. I am doing it in a new color yet to be tried called dollar bill. I like it and think it will be lovely when done.
 one side paint, right side black glaze going on
 I hung the 4X6.. much better :-)

Shaina had her last 2 wisdom teeth out to day at the oral surgeon. Her awesome roomie, Kaylin was her driver too and from. Thanks Kaylin for caring for your sister and happy healing Dude!
Britt walked the dogs once home from school, no work today or this w/e for the B. They were pretty excited to get out with her even in the -16. We enjoyed a home cooked meal, yay!! before we each spent evening relaxing. I even shut out the light at 10 thankful for Britt to do puppy duty at 1 am!

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