Wednesday, October 22, 2014

projects & power to the shop goes in

Tuesday was a day spent continuing to prepare for the sale. I managed to get 2 more coats on the table base and photo the iron candle holder that had dried and a mirror missed to add to online sale catalog.

Between laundry I put dark wax on the scone coffee table then distressed and dark waxed the super cute ladder. And yes in the living room, this product is no VOC and very safe and friendly to use while watching Ellen!

submarine below with and without dark wax

I posted the ladder and is sold within 20 minutes.. who knew, need a few more of them!
Britt volunteered after school getting home in time to join me for supper then homework time. Her report card was awesome, well done B!

In my organizing and tidying for the cleaners, I realized I have a few snacks from Xmas, Vegas and my bday I best eat up.. not a bad problem to have I must say

Sheldon got to town around 6 but ran errands and met his buddies for wings and beer so did not see him till after 9 pm. I put a coat of primer on the table top in the evening ready to paint black in the am!


Sheldon moved the panel into the shop as his project of the day. This required a couple power outages which I worked around while cleaning and spray painting the table black first thing in the morning then later in the afternoon 2 more times. I also did the dreaded pricing of my inventory!! Britt worked after school and Sons of Anarchy season 4 continues once the sun goes down.
 my new paint to try on this project
 first coat on, what ya think?

new panel up in the shop (which I helped put up plywood) and the new cable being hooked up sending power to the shop directly now

and then there was power!


  1. I really love that table. Couldn't sleep all night thinking I should sell my table and wooden chairs and replace the table but keep the tea cart and china cabinet.

  2. you should.. why not, change is good, Lori may just paint her pedestal to give hers new life!
