Saturday, October 25, 2014

prepare for open house complete

The morning started fairly early for a Saturday. Britt was off to work at the tanning salon for the day. I got busy hauling the rest of the goods up and pricing and was finished by 11:30!! EEEKK this makes the open house real for sure. Just hope I don't have to haul it all back down, ha!

 my inventory.. about 90 items and combos


Sheldon had Gerry his electrician co-worker come out for the day to help wire the shop. I whipped up Mom's chocolate cake into cupcakes and served them with lunch. A young couple stopped out to check out my grey dresser and immediately loved it and hauled it home for their baby's room.
To fill the hole I hauled in the newly painted dining table. It seems thought that after getting the pedestal in and trying to carry the table top, I decided I may need help with it.
The day was overcast, cool and windy but around 3 at least the sun came out. Britt was home from work around 4, forced to clean her bedroom floor and help me carry in the table top.  Sheldon and Gerry finished up wiring around 4:30 for the day. Sheldon kindly cut off 2 new table bolts to the right length for me. Thanks! Amanda came out and set up her wares. She joined us for supper and visit and around 8 Britt was off for a sleepover at Amber's and she too headed home to get missing things together and possibly whip up a new hat. It was then movie night for us, Transformers 4, long too much action in parts but an alright movie night movie.
trying on the toddler wolf hat

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