Wednesday, October 15, 2014

another blunder by others

Wednesday I started the morning trying the Vitamix pumpkin latte.. hmmmm not really a favorite, needed more coffee flavor, less cinnamon.

I was soon off to town to drop off a mirror to have a few inches trimmed off the toop to fit my rustic shelf frame then have lunch with Coreena. After, I grabbed food and beverage supplies including a hot pumpkin spice tea and was off to pick up my mirror. My initial reaction was holy cow it looks lots smaller but the fellow was polite and helped me load and said no charge.

Next couple stops including banking and some unsuccessful shopping for mirror paint before dropping some excess makeup goodies off for Coreena (yes I forgot during our quick lunch visit). Back at the ranch I noticed when taking out the mirror he cut it the wrong direction, basically cut the large mirror in half! A quick call back revealed he thought it should be the other way with matching etching! UH NO, "that makes it not fit, can you cut another?", "Sure, that will be $50!", I was then speechless and said I will think about that. DAM it, not my week for dealing with other peoples errors.

Time for a couple cold beers and refocus; put dresser together and get started painting

started a frame in another new color called crushed tea.. sadly it is brown not anything purple like I thought
 and put these 2 back together and posted
the painting had its trials so eventually I stopped after. Britt just happened to get home from another work evening as I was finishing up. She and I enjoyed a bowl of turkey soup and worked on her scholarship letter.

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