Saturday, October 4, 2014


Friday was a solemn day for me. The fish and wildlife officer returned but was not a real help. I do believe my theory holds true, she was down and a predator attacked her. He wanted to convince me 1- it was a puncture from a tree or fence, 2-a ruptured hernia but 3) came around with details for a coyote attack. He said indeed they are overpopulated, have young inefficient killer pups out right now and are searching for food (which can be horse, cow or even cat feces, compost and gardens) He also had no real answers as to how to prevent any future occurrences other than asking if I had a gun. I am not sure that was a trick question as I answered yes but I am not trained to shoot it however my husband is requesting  night scope for his. He replied you do know it is illegal to discharge a weapon after dark! Ah when do predators attack most buddy!! At our house it is under the cover of darkness!

After he left I was invited over to Stouts for a coffee and update on the events. They had information that a neighbor may have spotted a cougar and 2 young. This spurned more research and thought, and indeed it fits a bit better with the rest of the herd being on edge and no where near Scooter even when she was injured. It may explain the quick attack and exit. My next move was to contact a pet medium suggested by a good friend.
the bouquet from Lynda, THANKS from us all.

I felt like a slug getting back home, just not motivated to do anything. I replay the events over and over and what I could have done different. I want to figure a way to prevent any future attacks. I headed out to walk the fence line, again looking for any signs. Diego the bugger did not come far but Coco accompanied me on my perimeter investigation. In hind sight if it was a cat attack, and they lay low during the day, what a perfect place to do this along our thick caraganna /spruce rows, the exact area my and little lunch box puppy were checking out! Pepper followed along for most but at one spot he took off with a kick and buck and was gone, again in hindsight.. duh!

Finally I found a bit of my groove and headed out to spray paint the thick pine end table. This followed by a hot bath and an episode of Suits helped. Britt arrived home after working after school with a sweet gift bag from her girlfriends and Grady containing a cute stuffie and candy. What kind friends she has.

Saturday was possible polcrosse but I thought Britt had to work at 3. I was up chatting with my pet medium and once done Britt flew out the door claiming I did not wake her up and she worked 10 TILL 3. Funny thing was she text back and her shift did not start until 11 so she was half an hour EARLY! :-) Today was a big anniversary celebration at the tanning salon with giveaways, free tanning with food bank donations, scratch and wins and more (chocolate fondue! & snacks)

I mowed all the lawn making it look awesome. The day started sunny but cooler around 9 but ended up gorgeous. I ran to town to run errands picking up Shaina a kind size mattress, a Saje parcel for mom dropping it at Amanda's and having a quick visit, meeting with a fellow painter then taking in a free sauna at Britt's work place with my donations. I enjoyed a few treats and entered the draw and soon was off home.
Since it was so nice I worked on boxing up garden and summer decor then took the dogs for a nice walk. I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from the tanning salon saying I won one of the door prizes. Guess my tomorrow was a better day. ;-)
I worked on the end table and moved all out of the way to try and get the truck in the garage. As I suspected the big 350 will not fit on the Buick side so had to maneuver the truck with mattress back into the shop and hope the kitties don't find it! I also had to start up the A/C as the house was now at 26 and outside was a sunny 21!

Britt got home after her work day, supper and working out around 7. She stopped to talk to her horses before getting home where she joined me for goulash and we explored career options for her. Around 9 she heard Diego bark and the horses running so out we went. I suggested she grab the gun but when I turned to see her hot on my trail she was carrying a broom! Hahaha her and I in my fluffy housecoat with a flashlight and a broom. Diego came along and it was not more than a few seconds before we were joined with the black cat posse.. geez..  this is a motely crew. Scanning the pasture with the flashlight we came upon glowing eyes... that meowed and soon Mr J who was coming from the west met us. The horses were no coming at us but upset with Diego and his charges and the cats everywhere so I sent Britt home with the canine/feline troop and visited with the horses before returning to the house. She left me the broom so I was good :-)

Blog update and school search were rest of the nights events. Today is also Papa Carl's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!! XOXOXO
from last years birthday celebration for these 2 cuties
and at his new store in Germany!

1 comment:

  1. you best get that broom motorized for quick escapes. Hugs
