Thursday, February 27, 2014

1038 - cross iron shopping & visit with Lori

Day 1038 was cool -16 morning, thank goodness for hot beverages and cozy beds. Once up and moving we got ready to head to Cross Iron mall to meet my good friend Lori and do some shopping. I did some touch ups to the kids table and chairs quick. Shaina was up and getting ready too so we dropped her off at work at 10:30, a whole half hour before her shit started much to her dismay.

The wind was crazy on the drive even though only -6. At the mall I managed to find find 4 swimsuits while Sheldon perused the sports store. He and I met for lunch in the food court finishing just as Lori arrived. A quick visit and Sheldon was back off shopping for shorts and shoes for the trip then ended up napping on a chair. A security guard was kind enough to check he was ok, perhaps the drool was a worry :-)
 I loved this art piece, homage to our white horses
 swim suit success
Lori and I enjoyed teas at Tims catching up for a couple hours. After it was time to check out a few more stores then off to Costco (where I scored 3 more suits). The drive home was not as pleasant as the wind now was drifting snow and crating icy highways. We stopped in Strathmore to get gas and a hot tea then home to the ranch to unload our days goodies.
this is a HUGE bottle of rum as others in back are 40 oz

The girls pulled in soon after us having spent last few hours working out at the gym. I made cream chicken, quinoa and sautéed cabbage for our family supper. These are always entertaining with all the banter of the day. Hockey and candy crush entertained Sheldon after supper while I worked on the blog having yesterdays all disappear having to be rewritten. Britt was busy doing something while Shaina and Gail tried to watch some Netflix but it seems the wind is causing internet issues. After the hockey game, Sheldon and I managed to watch 1 more Breaking Bad but I was nodding off so could not make the final!

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