Wednesday, February 19, 2014

1030 - Happy Bday Dad

Day 1030 Britt and I were up and off to Hanna. Gas and a tea before hitting the road and of course in our usual bad luck, we hit a snow squall half way there. It was crap and remained on the way home until about the same spot it started.

Britt had impressions and new retainers made while I was just hoping to get my bridge recemented but instead it ended up an extraction ;-( I grabbed her a teen burger and me sweet potato fries for our lunch on the stormy way home.
and this is the good visibility parts

A quick stop to deposit my recent Creative Moments sales and then to Amanda's so Britt could let Samara out before we headed to the ranch. Shaina was getting ready for work having her supper and was off for her 4 o'clock shift followed soon behind by Britt for her same start time. I called Dad to wish him a happy birthday! They had gone to Medicine Hat on the weekend to celebrate Uncle Don and Auntie Mindy's 40th
 Happy Bday Dad and anniversary Goods!
Diego got his shot and I had some soup and the last of my yummy dark chocolate popcorn while I waited for a customer to arrive to check some furniture. It all went good, the table was perfect and a matching one ordered.
I curled up to read getting dozy by 9 but the dog and girls had other plans. However once everyone was home before 11 I nodded off to sleep!

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