Sunday, February 9, 2014

1020 - finished the table set!

Day 1020 was a VERY early start, after eating an entire knuckle bone (thanks Sheldon) I believe it kicked into Big D's digestive track at 4:30 am. GRRRRR but I stumbled thru the dark grabbing a cookie to help stabilize my ire and sent him out for 15 min. It is -26 and black out yet after crawling back into bed he barks again at 5 but this time he gets a firm reprimand at the door to go to sleep! Nope he tries again around 5:30 but I ignore although sleep eludes me until I just drift off around 7 and he demands to go out at 8 am! Let me tell you, spring cannot come soon enough to get the pets back outside where they can manage their own bathroom breaks!
crisp cold day with ice crystals in the air and hoarfrost on the trees

Britt was up early making coffee and cooking an egg for breakfast. She was off to work around 9:30 to work 10-3. I grabbed a coffee and played a few games before heading to the garage to spend day 2 on the table set. Waxing, buffing, calling Ontario paint expert for the issue of yesterday and then repair attempts on the small table top were some of the 4 hour task. Wendy the paint expert reassured me even in her store they have issues pop up too!
see the water damage showing thru, sanded it back down with 320, 2 coats of top coat, repaint and wax again and it seems to be much better, whew!

Shaina spent the day relaxing and doing some laundry before she was off to work at 4. I came in at 3 for lunch and had a quick visit with her before she was off.
 couple of the frames progress
on the left a new chip brush and on the right one I just opened today to wax, seems like it is getting well used and more waxing to go!

Britt was home from work around 4 and had some cat time as I was finishing up my waxing the coffee table.Did I mention when I went to wax the red frame most of the red came off in chunks, epic fail this piece was. It is now waiting for inspiration on another day, today is having enough issues like yesterday, maybe need more sleep. Temperatures got up to -16 maybe but dropped like a stone again fast the only good thing is at 6 pm it is still light out!!

So basically the tables are finished except a final buffing after 14 hours! full time job at casual pay but done in sweats and no makeup!
what great legs!
and barn wood like color, it changes darker in lighting too

this coffee table is huge, 30X50 but folds out to 60X50, lots of snack area!!
I was back out buffing everything after our scrumptious supper of rice, sent D out at 9, had a shower and hit my bed to catch up on PVR, long day done!

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