Thursday, February 13, 2014

1024 - the Prince is picked up

Day 1024 - First customer stopped to pick up her goodies then I went to garage to sand the end table tops. Next customer stopped to get her jewel box. Shaina was off to work for 11. The day started -15 but is rising -4 at noon! and plus 1 at 1:30.

I was going to go vintage white for mass appeal and sale but peacock is in the running too
I painted the long frame and a candle holder both vintage white and wet distressed both. The candle holder was ready for waxing before I stopped for a late lunch. The UPS arrived yet again to deliver RO filters but this time since Diego out he just honked and I had to run out :-)

 this is the barn board rack I am thinking about making
At 3 I headed out, first on a wild goose chase to buy a coffee table from a rural house down about 10 miles of gravel to find her not even home :( Apparently she forgot I was coming and ran to town. Then it was off to chestemere, grab a tea and find yet another house to pickup some candle holders I won on the bidding site some time ago.
Giving myself a bit of time, first stop was Restore where I scored a solid wood shelving unit, then Home Sense just for a quick peruse. I had to get to Costco and get my load before heading to the airport so a quick peek in the closest thrift store landed me a wood paper towel holder before loading up the vehicle with groceries then zip to airport to grab the Prince. Seeing we were in the city we decided to have a Valentines supper at Pacini's before heading home to unload.

Kaylin had dropped lexi off to hang out while she went to Amanda's to visit while Shaina had her extensions put in. They then stopped at the station for a bit before returning here so Kaylin could pick up Lex and head home.

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