Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Shrove Tuesday

I woke when Coop was sent in the door at 7. I had been restless with my sore throat anyways. After trying to get back to sleep I made coffee and played Flow. When I went out to feed the dogs I found poor Har had been sick down the stairs and on the mat. Cleanup on aisle 2 it was including the mat thrown in washer. The wind is blowing again, yuck. Prince was now awake enjoying his coffees in bed. I worked on the blog and marketing. His fruity porridge breakfast got him going for the day ahead. He did some calls trying to source a fuel filter for Sadie.

morning Renn videos

kitchenware drums today were short lived

luckily veggie straws saved the day!

I painted the antique table another coat. S helped me haul the sideboard back out to the shop. Looks like I have a process ahead of me. It was wiped down with odorless solvent as step 1. S braved the biting winds and walked the dogs to gate to check mouse trap, hay and open yard gate for a gal picking up boxes. The table was flipped and underside painted as was the base.

A quick bite of leftover lunch then I got back to the table. It was screwed together, dark waxed and brought in to snap pics. S was back to his crossword then chatting with Craig and insurance company.

The sideboard was now washed down with TSP then wiped with clean water. I will leave to dry well. Life always has lessons doesn't it? The lady arrived for boxes taking that task off our list. Well actually there is a pile of cardboard to go but it is all flattened and waiting to go Thursday. 

After catching up my spread sheets, I jumped in the shower as we have a church supper tonight. Snow pellets fell softly off and on throughout the day but came down a little heavier when S headed over to Matt's for a consult meeting. I worked on a tutorials before finishing my night out prep once S was back.

We were off to town before 6 to meet Paetz's at the school. Pancakes were ready and into line we went. There were regular and blueberry, with sausages and a fruit cocktail. The kids got to break a piƱata full of candy then Father Christino had a sermon to share. All was done and we headed home at 8:30.

B was just leaving as we pulled in. I had given her heads up no supper offered at the ranch tonight or tomorrow night. We wrapped up the night watching some Griselda episodes. Hardest part is reading the English subtitles when sleepy.

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