Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sanding, sanding and more sanding

My cold and cough are getting better. I credit my apple cider vinegar/honey mix and Emergen-C packets. We enjoyed our coffee and Flow in bed to start our Sunday. I had to carve up a 4 pound heart this am into 4 meals for Har along with liver chunks too. I loaded pictures for yesterday and got post up. 

Nathan sent this to me. Where is our baby going, this sweet little girl is the new Renn. XOXO

S had his cereal then was off to church. I worked on tutorials while my watch charged before heading out to work on projects. Amanda’s stool was stained again. The clamps came off and More filler added on table legs. Sanding the table was almost 2 hours of my day.

S was back with a chai tea after church. He headed out to push some of the old yucky hay in the pit while the weather was in between cold and slushy. He also installed his new inlet cover.

old one with one opening

new one with 2 openings, lets see if solves the frost over issue

Between sanding I tidied the garage sweeping and tidying. Britt and D arrived at 1 as we were coming in for lunch. All the leftovers were cleaned up. They headed out to trim horse feet including Switch, THANK YOU!

I was back on projects; sanding was continued then the dreaded black sideboard was sanded and sprayed with shellac. S worked on taking down the garage door opener to fix. It turned out it was a misaligned door runner. 

I finished up and came in to make hamburger soup for supper. Dave was in watching hockey. S finished and in to watch with him and play crib. B fed Bird then in. Once the soup was simmering I made popcorn and we played Russian rummy. Soup was ate while playing with us all have second helpings. We finished up the game with B & D heading home to finish up his books. S and I went out for a hot tub. After our showers we put on clean sheets and crawled in and started the new 5th season of Car Masters.

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