Sunday, February 25, 2024

Shaina out for steak supper and hot tub


Good morning from Renny XOXO

S was off to church. I got to work on the tables. I was going to put together when found the one loose screw hole. It was filled and all put together. Once flipped of course there were some issues with the repaired edges which needed to be sanded and more filler added. The one top edge had more purple paint. I hauled in the chairs to take pics and of course had more touch ups and waxing on them too.

S was back from church with teas. I came in to enjoy mine and visit while he cooked up ham, eggs and potatoes. I then fixed him up with a castor pack on his shoulder and he perused the net to find lights to install in the living room. It is always to dark on big occasions. I went back out and clear coated the table top. More touch ups on the white including the bottom shelf that was sanded quick. Being OCD is adding up the hours on this project.

B and Cooper arrived after 1 as I was putting another coat of white on the lower shelf and touch ups. She fed Bird and checked all the rest. Roo got more meds for her sore feet. She was off after 2 to town and back in an hour. I updated my spreadsheets and let the customer know her peices were complete. I hauled in the table to snap a pic.

Shaina stopped to visit Renn and shared these adorable shots XOXO

Once B was back she and I took the dogs for a walk. S finished up a hockey game and was outside scooping dog poop around the yard. B caught Gulliver and took him “home”. S and I prepped a kale salad and a veggie pack for supper. The veggies were put on the BBQ.

More hockey entertained S till it was time to cook the steaks Shaina joined us for supper. She arrived after 6 as the wind started to pick up and temperature dropping. We had our salads then started eating with Britt arriving late having fell asleep. Three of us braved the blustery +2 winds that felt like -15 for a hot tub.

Back in and a quick shower to watch AFT finale. B headed off putting Bird's blanket on. Shaina watched with us for awhile then headed back to the city about 8:45. We moved to finish the disappointing show in bed. My favourite team did win though but I already knew after checking online earlier this week. The winds continued to howl all night.

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