Friday, December 29, 2023

Setting up Dad's celebration service

 It is the last Friday of 2023. I was up early to feed Harley and have coffee with Mom. We got back to our photos and program tasks. Kaylin sent these pictures of Renn in the Minnie Mouse outfit we gave her. XOXO

After more hamburger soup for lunch Mom ran into town for errands and stopped at the funeral home to help the gal in person do the program. Mom's Hutterite friend dropped off buns, sausage and some hootch. Travis, Sheldon and I loaded Dad's trophy saddles and boxes of stuff to display and met Mom at the legion around 3:30. Here is the funeral home link to the obituary.

Dad's trophy saddles

Some of his belt buckles all polished up, thanks Dale.

closeups of each trophy saddle with and without bronc chaps

These chaps are shotgun chaps. His chinks are in the horse trailer Mom says.

Another pair of bronc chaps, the bull riding ones are MIA

His bareback rigging and saddle bronc saddle

His hand crafted urn

Flight log book, a McCormick Farmall tractor representing the one that Mom tipped over the day they met, a couple cowboy poems, his Lions life membership certificate & pins and Buffalo rodeo appreciation certificate.

The log book started Nov 4, 1975 training with instructor 31.1 hours attaining his license Feb 17, 1976. He tallied 370 hours on his own flying to lots of Alberta & Saskatchewan spots, Manitoba, Great Falls Montana. Last log was Aug 15, 1990 totalling over 400 hours flown.

Center table progress and changes, his book went to guest book table at entry

We finished setting up, testing our slideshow and helping the funeral gal after 6. It looked quite nice. Back at the house we (Mom, Travis, S and I) had the Hutterite buns/sausage for super. Dale and Vance joined us. We spent the evening reminiscing, visiting and enjoying a few rums in Dad’s honor. S and I read our books for a bit.

Dog trainer Travis, he has kept Clover for the week Paetz’s are staying in Oyen.

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