Sunday, December 17, 2023

Days with Dad

I had a quick shower and a cup of tea. AJ and I headed in to Dad's. Shaina, Britt and Mom a bit after. Kaylin, Nathan ad Renn arrived just after 12:30. Sheldon arrived around 1:30 to the farm. He let out dogs and putting them in the house before coming in. Dale and family and Travis being so close, were back and forth. Uncle Ron drove up too. I played music for Dad for much of the time using my phone so it was like a radio right beside his ear.

Shaina helped Mom get groceries and make sandwiches and meat/cheese platter for lunch.

Mya was excited to meet Renn and pack her around. Vance and Stacie were there too. It was a crowded but love filled room. Puzzles outside the door was a great distraction for many. A few of the residents enjoyed the help and visiting. 

We met with the doctor and after his information as to progress we decided to remove him from the IV. This was such a heartbreaking decision.

Dale kindly gave Uncle Ron a bed for the night. His house is literally across the road. AJ and I stayed the night. It was not the most comfy sleeping in a chair. Amanda made a bed on the floor with blankets and her down filled coat. Steve and Jenny brought pizza and wings for our supper. How kind!! Thank you so much!

Sunday was filled with more music, comforting words and touches for Dad and family interaction. Stories were shared. Betty made a huge pot of her famous clam chowder and delivered last night. Little Renn had taste tested it with Kaylin then and today ate more. She has not been a food fan other than pears so this was funny.

a deer was out Dad's window

This little ray of sunshine added lots of happiness for all.

Soup eating videos

Thanks Shaina for always capturing special moments.

 Later in the day Kaylin, Nathan, Renn and Britt said their goodbyes and headed to the city. B works tomorrow. Renn did not bad travelling the 3 1/2 hours out but the ride home did not go as well. 

Mom made sausage and macaroni for supper. Craig drove over with the kids for a few hours then back to Strathmore for school in the am. The puzzle building continued.

The fellow on the other side of the room offered to Mom to move to give the family more room. That and he wanted to get sleep saying the oxygen machine was noisy. the staff had said a room was available at the hospital. They moved in a second reclining lazy boy and a small couch for us. Sheldon tested the couch watching some hockey before he headed to the farm to sleep. Mom not long after too. Amanda went to her truck. On her way back in, it turned out they moved him to the living room area for the night. That made us all feel bad. The recliners sure did however make the night more comfortable to catch a few winks here and there.

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