Saturday, December 2, 2023

B rolls a bale

Final day to pack up and get the ranch in order. More stuff added to the suitcases. Harley stuff packed up and at front door. Keys hidden and notes written. I washed a load to include our runners to take. House tidied cause everyone loves to come home to a clean house. B and Cooper along with Gulliver arrived after 10. She got to packing Sheldon then showed her how to run the new skid steer. She loaded the bale and took it to roll out. Sheldon drove along on the quad to supervise.

S cooked up grilled cheese for lunch. he added eggs for himself. The last of the mushroom soup was eaten too Cleaning out the fridge is also on the list. B was of to feed her horse. S and I hit the hot tub for an after lunch soak. B gave Bird and Roo a blanket treatment. After his shower S tried the Beamer boot on his sore knee. I caught up the blog. B was off to the city to have Kaylin sugar her. 

The hot tub filters were cleaned. I re-did the shellac toe nail and painted my nails. Holiday ready. S and I headed to town. Ribbon for the gates was picked up. A hazelnut cold brew next. An amazon return was dropped off and library books picked up. The ruler was dropped at Amanda’s for Tami to pick up next week. Thanks AJ! We had a short visit with her and the 2 littles before heading home.

my new reads

Back at ranch S and I moved the dining table and desk upstairs for pick up next weekend. I covered them with a sheet to avoid any slime marks. S hit big brown for a nap. I drained the washing machine. That is crazy the amount of stinky water it retains. B was back from the city with shampoo & conditioner Kaylin picked up for me and a package from the gate. I changed Harley’s bedding after vacuuming the kennel.

I am good for a few years now :)

Once awake S and I bathed Harley. She is ready for her week as a town dog. I tried the new collar I ordered but sadly it does not fit. Time to cook supper. Wings, roasted veggies and French fries. Hockey was the evening entertainment. B loaded her cat and dog and headed south before 8:30. she will be back in about 10 hours. We watched the game, finished last minute packing and caught up the blog. Ciao peeps. See you in awhile!

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