Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Real boxing up day

It was another ground hogs day to start with the exception S had to empty and refill the coffee pot while I fed and med H (cats stayed outside last night) It is plus 1 but fogged in and ice everywhere. S found the yard sheer ice when he went to check the cats were safe and sound as we forgot to lock them up. Mom headed to Dad's after her coffees and toast after 10.

I spent the day trying to get the house back in order, did laundry and checked out all my lovely gifts. S had the junior hockey games on all day in the background while he perused his laptop. Lunch was leftovers including broiling up the last of the wings. B and Coop popped out to finish them off. She fed and was off for home around 2:45 when the fog finally was letting up slowly.

The tree was taken down and put in the box S retrieved. I hauled the decoration box back down to the storage and moved plants all back around after a vacuum. Usually I leave till New Year but this year has been an odd one so went with the cleaning momentum. I also tried to do some boxing day shopping for a mattress cover and I ordered the combo insta pot/ air fryer Amanda has to exchange the air fryer S gave me.

within minutes it was total fog

I continued to work on catching up the blog for last 4 days and uploading, editing and watermarking the photos. I sure did not take many but certainly more then anyone else. Supper was procrastinated long enough that we decided to run to town to grab a burger. As we prepped to go the fog rolled back in in minutes at 4:45. We made it to the dump just before closing, grabbed our burgers then back home thru the now soup pea thick fog.

After getting H out of the truck we went in to eat our burgers. Hockey entertained S and I was back to the blog catchup with again another hot tub soak after 6. It was zero out having been just above that most of the day. Amazing how much the snow has melt and sank in the last 2 days. I did find I had not logged into my CM page for a day and low and behold the desk had a buyer. The table also had one but was the same lady from last week. The desk will be picked up next week.

I headed to bed to read with Mom arriving at 8:45. Again it reminded me to give H her pills I had set out. She and I chatted for a bit then both off to bed. S came to bed after battle of Alberta hockey/sports ended at midnight.

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