Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dad and I spend time in ER again

Sheldon was making coffee just before 6 am and having cereal before he headed to Acadia Valley at 6:30. I was awake multiple times in the night for no good reason but seems like the same thing before any trip although I was going no where LOL The dogs and I had a usual start to the day with their breakfast and my coffee. This coffee was had at the start of what turned into a 1 1/4 hour technical HP support call to fix the printer issues I was having yesterday and included a second cup. Once it was finally sorted I caught up yesterdays blog post.

Kaylin arrived just before noon to pick up Lexi. Soon after I got not one but 2 calls from Sagewood saying Dad had a fall. The first call said he was ok and they had cleaned it up, the second said she thought he should go to ER. I then had to call Mom to get her decision then contact Peggy who was on her way to help him with lunch along with letting AJ know and communicating back and forth. Kaylin stayed just for a short visit during all this then she and Lexi head home and I was off to the hospital.

It usual style I arrived at the ER long before the ambulance even though Peggy had called to say it had left. Once he arrived we had to stand in the hallway along with the 3 EMTs for 2 hours until he was given a room in the ER at 2 pm allowing them to move to next call. He had been fairly much sleeping till now then was awake and not a fan. Vitals were alarming enough but then they passed me a gown and wanted it on him for x-rays. He hates being cold and it seems today they only dressed him in a cotton western shirt and PJ bottoms so he was miserable when I had the nurse help me get him into a wheel chair and the gown on. Quickly I piled on the blankets and off to get the x-ray.

Again they wanted blankets off and him laying down but I asked if possible to keep in chair and I rolled blankets down as much as I could which did not go over well but we did get the neck x-ray done. I mentioned to the gals I was joking I should have gotten my foot x-ray done while we stood in the hall for all that time. They said well lets do it now so one took Dad back to the room and stayed with him while they took mine foot quickly. Dad had not had his lunch and was saying no pain but he was hungry so I asked nurse if able to get him a sandwich. Unfortunately it was cheese but I did get a couple bites in him and part of an apple juice.

I noticed this elbow injury after getting the gown on him, ouch!

They also wanted a urine sample which ended up being the worst option way to collect which further made Dad's visit even worse. However once he no longer had a full bladder and we got him cozy with warm blankets he fell into a deep relaxed sleep around 4:30. He will be taken to Calgary for a CT scan once an ambulance becomes available which is estimated to take at least a couple hours.

Mom arrived at 6, I went and grabbed her suitcase and few bags and put in my car then took her into Dad's ER room. I drove thru Tims seeing I too was starving only having had 2 cups of coffee today and found they were out of chicken!! What the heck?? so I got a tea then over to Opa to grab my first meal of the day. Mom text she needed her phone charger so I looped back to the hospital to get it to her then home.

I arrived home just before 7, ate my wrap and drank my tea after letting poor Harley out of her kennel. It seems I had left her in after coming inside before I was called to the hospital. B had let her out when she was out to feed horses then kenneled her back up. I was once again on the phone with online orders that had not arrived when S got home at 8.

this eye injury was a shocker too

He and I sorted bagged and froze the offal parts then he took the coolers full of liquid for a drive to dump and grab the mail it was starting to snow as he did as temps warmed to -7. The garage floor and coolers were hosed once back then he hopped in hot tub while I hopped in bed to watch another Harry & Meghan. At 10 pm it was -4 outside, hallelujah!

Mom let us know the ambulance came and they were off to Calgary at 8:15. Once there they were ushered right in the CT scan taken, 20 minutes for results then on the road and back to Sagewood. The ambulance then kindly took her back to her car at the hospital and she arrived here after 10:30, updated us, grabbed a glass of milk and off to bed too.

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