Friday, December 16, 2022

Last "warm" day for a bit

It was nice to see the -3 upon waking. It gives the horses a reprieve before this cold spell comes back. I got the coffee going as Mom had a bath and fed H. We had our coffee with S joining then S started the cars. I loaded H in the merc and we followed Mom out of the yard and to our vet appointment. We were early as usual but an hour later we were on our way with antibiotics and steroids as our next step. A skin scraping showed nothing but Dr Dave thought it should have cleared up by now so went with this treatment next. She weighed in even heavier at 63.4 kgs, Think I will be cutting back her daily intake again.

We were back home before 10:30 as S was rolling out a bale for the horses. I gave H her first does of pills and made a hot tea and got busy on the computer. S had a tea and on his laptop when back in at 11. It is such a dreary day out but -1 temps are welcome.

For lunch we finished the last of the lazy cabbage rolls. It was then time to get some cleaning done, S took over the vacuuming while I put stacks away. Laundry was folded, our bedding stripped and washed while I vacuumed the blinds that seem to collect dog hair at a certain height. :)

B arrived at 12:30 with Cooper to feed then she left him and headed to the city at 1 having another day off this week. S forgot to move a full pallet of wood over when he rolled the bale so went and did that. Mom and Dad popped out no long after for a visit brining us a chai tea. THANK YOU. S started a fire to enjoy while we sipped our teas and visited. Dad had a nice nap in big brown. They headed back to town after 3.

Harley checking in on Grandy and getting a few pets

I chopped up and measured 11 oz into tubs for H for her meals to start her new "diet" at 1.5% body weight in raw food. S filled his wood tubs inside and out prepping for the cold snap. We had leftovers for supper then it was time for a hot tub which will probably be my last one for a bit. It was still -2 but news says only hours left before it drops.

After a rinse S was off watching hockey in TV room and I working on blog while watching my iPad. B stopped at 7 to pick up Cooper. I made our usual yogurt bowls delivering S his in the TV room and was just getting into bed at 8 when Mom got back. She had some milk then off to bed too. I finished the Buying Beverly Hills season then started the just released episode 4 and 5 of Harry & Meghan before lights out early at 10:30 with S coming up soon after. 

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