Thursday, December 22, 2022

Furnace issues again

It was yet another freezing -31 day plus a wind chill to start but the sun was out too. Be darned if the furnace was only at 18 degrees again. As I fed and gave H her 2nd last does of antibiotics S went out to find the outlet covered over again even without the grate on he had removed. He was on furnace watch with his coffee and I marketing and coffee. I did start a fire inside mid morning in hopes of helping the house heat catch up. S read his book in front of the fire. I had a shower which was not the best idea as the system also heats the water so was luke warm at best.

We had borscht for lunch; a tub I found in the stand up freezer when rearranging yesterday. THANKS Ma K for keeping us in borscht. After lunch S went out to fill the wood bucket and clean off front sidewalk and steps. I prepped the horse feed then he loaded hockey equipment and was off to town while I fed horses. It had warmed to -29 as I was feeding after 1.

so many pretty china pieces, if only I hauled them all out for the holidays

Back inside I continued my cupboard rearranging then brought my book out to read for a bit in front of the fire in the sunshine. Read a chapter clean a cupboard repeat till S arrived home. I was watching the horses and saw something had their attention; it was a moose over in the winery. S was just pulling in 4:30. He and Dave had taken beer to offer fellow players after the game.

I whipped up a shrimp pasta for supper which was Sheldon approved. Via an internet search we narrowed down a bison brisket recipe. I mixed up the rub spices and S applied and into the fridge to marinade overnight. We were playing card in front of the fire when B called at 7:30 having got stuck at the gate. S and I bundled up, drove down and between the 3 of us got her out. Back at the house she joined us for a few card games before she and Coop headed home. 

Flames game started, he went and put chlorine in the hot tub and it was nearly froze shut while I gave H her last antibiotic does and her steroids that got for 3 more days. I grabbed my library book and finished it in front of the fire. Time to make our yogurt bowls and crawl into bed starting a new book: Home Again. S hooked up the TV and watched Flamed game in bed too.

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