Saturday, April 2, 2022

Sleepless night

Sleep eluded me last night and once asleep with a sleeping pill after 2:30 I was awake at 5:30. I listened to some podcasts and such until S got up and made coffee after 8:30. 

I bathed Harley up after starting laundry. Jarrod's hired man had issues finding our place but eventually made it to load and borrow the tree spade. I took the cats soft food and opened the door while S and the guy visited. It was breezy but sunny so I carried on scooping loads more poop around the yard.

Once the guy was off he was off to finished scooping the arena then moved the dump trailer to load the piles in the winter pasture. I started working on the transfer on the end table before Mom and Dad stopped out to have me scrub up a table that has seen better days. They also checked out the new hot tub and had a short visit before heading back for lunch. Then I was back to the end table transfer.

I took H for our perimeter walk as S finished scooping piles and returning the equipment back to the house. He had lunch and I went out to enjoy the fabulous sunshine in the hot tub. S joined me after he ate and B arrived as we were soaking up the rays before 2. She caught and rode Bird. I hauled the now dry table outside to power sand the yucky old finish and mold marks off. The skies darkened to the west so I hauled it in.

B moved on to riding Roo and S packed up and headed off in the merc at 3. B and Coop were off as I was starting to clean our bedroom rug with Paetz's steam cleaner as wind picked up and rain started to pummel the windows. The water was filthy when dumped, 11 years is too long not to clean them :)

S returned at 5 with Chinese food for supper then got on the horn with Craig for another lengthy chat while I caught up the blog. Once he was off the phone, we hit the hot tub for the second time today. The skies darkened to the west again and the winds picked up chasing us inside at 8 just in time for the Flames game. I made popcorn to go with the beers S poured up. He then went to the TV room to watch and I to bed to work on nutrition course online but tuckered out around 10 but was awake after S came to bed not long after so listened to some podcasts.

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