Friday, April 8, 2022

Action packed day

Crazy way to start the day; I woke at 6:15 and sent S a quick text and was laying there going thru my day ahead when a power blip sounded then a huge thunder like noise outside. It was the hot tub stereo kicked in playing a podcast I left off on last night!!! What the heck!! After shutting all off I tried going back to sleep with not much luck so listened to some new podcasts and a new inspirational meditation to start the day before getting on with the day. Today I made cappuccinos and seeing it is another blustery grey overcast day but warm at 10 I got busy on the computer. The blog had photos added and posted and finally I finished the Etsy post for the tea pot. I had finally gotten the wooden crate posted on Etsy a couple days back. They cant sell if not listed right?

Then I wrote a tutorial for the tea pot and posted on all the sites and emailed the paint company. The sun popped out briefly at noon as I cooked up HF meal #1; BBQ rubbed chicken salad. It was very tasty. I ran to town after 1 picking up a metal file cabinet I hoped to transfer up only to find it had rust on bottom and greasy drawers so took it to the thrift store on route to Walmart. Cat food was finally on sale and I also grabbed some caffeine free coke zero to try. It is 23 degrees out!!

Then it was to my dental cleaning. This hygienist was thorough .... and had never heard of zirconium implants. Once done after 3 I headed to Sagewood where Mom had just arrived ahead of me. We took dad out for a walk in the terrible blustery wind. Back to his room for a short visit then I was off to pick up Cooper after 4:30.

Back from town just before 5, I fed H and let her out to play with Coop then got busy cooking HF meal #2: tex mex shrimp bowl. Debby called while cooking to chat about their plans to come up this summer. I had to eat it hot while visiting over the zoom call and it was ok. I washed up pots and pans and working on computer work when Britt arrived late at 7 again. She fed while I ran out to find the pitchfork she could not find then she pitched hay to horses. I fed the cats, locked them up then back in to work. I whipped up a protein smoothie for "dessert" while typing. I also searched out flights to Victoria but prices are up; maybe w/e pricing or maybe the truth that each time you search they increase.

I snapped a few pics of the end table to post for sale

I forgot to get my new workout in so started it before 10. Not a great idea as all was new and had to be learned as well it is longer but I did get it almost complete. I had to call my famous Body Smart coach Shaina for a couple tracking solutions part way thru too. I finished up at 11 and decided to soak my muscles in the hot tub. The wind was down to a dull roar and it was actually a very nice way to end a busy long day. I came in and got chemical and put in and while it dissolved I had a shower then back to close it all up. Finally time to crawl into bed where I started a new series called Queen of the South and watched till after 1 am.

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